Module 4: Making Sense of the Data

This module teaches you how to analyze the feedback you’ve collected throughout the engagement process. The Interpretation Guide walks you step-by-step through interpretation and sense making of the information collected by street team surveys, empathy maps, emoji wheels and postcards. 

The following topics will be covered:

  • Collecting and transcribing data

  • Uncovering findings and themes

  • Generating insights and getting feedback 

  • Interpretation resource

After completing this module, you’ll be able to produce analysis of qualitative data in a structured and systematic way.  

+ Collect and transcribe the data

Collect the data

  • Gather the engagement tools you’ve collected
  • Sort engagement tools by type
  • Read through the tools you’ve collected
  • Jot down 5-10 key gut reactions to what you’ve reviewed

Transcribe initial insights

  • Transcribe (word-for-word) key phrases and quotes onto sticky notes
  • Remember: only one phrase or quote per sticky note
  • Each type of engagement tool should generate between 30-50 sticky notes

+ Uncover findings and themes

Uncover findings

  • Using all the sticky notes you’ve transcribed, create clusters of sticky notes
  • Make sure phrases and quotes are clustered by similarities
  • After all your sticky notes are clustered, create vertical columns of sub-clusters
  • Name each sub-cluster by adding a box around the edges of the title card sticky note

Develop themes

  • Use the title card sticky notes from each sub-cluster
  • Create new clusters and sub-clusters of title cards, grouping similar sets together
  • Use a larger sticky note pad to create Theme names for each cluster of title cards

+ Generate insights and get feedback

Generate insights

  • Use the Theme name cards from the last step
  • Create new clusters and sub-clusters of Theme cards
  • Make connections between the cards in each cluster so that they are grouped by context

Seek feedback

  • Report your insights about the community back to your client base and related stakeholders
  • Discuss the findings, themes, and insights to learn which ones are more important
  • Ask for feedback on your understanding
  • Adjust insights as needed

Interpretation resources