
Module 1

Module 1: Introduction to Engagement

In this module, you’ll rapidly gain an understanding of engagement methods using a human-centred approach. This module is great for folks looking to start engaging right away and includes:

  • An overview of human-centred design

  • Methods and practices used before, during and after engagement

  • A quick discussion of the importance of open-ended questions

  • A summary of light touch engagement tools

Module 2

Module 2: Engagement: A Deeper Dive

In this module, you’ll learn more tools and tactics for engaging community members, patients, and staff. Building off the introductory engagement content, this module is a perfect next step for those looking to dive a bit deeper. This module supports your engagement activities by:

  • Understanding how to structure conversations to effectively engage participants

  • Helping to you to support others in prioritizing reflections and concerns

  • Using self-supporting tools like journals and reflection worksheets to identify and share experiences

Module 3

Module 3: Creating a Plan for Engagement

In this module, you’ll learn how to create an engagement plan for your organization. This is a great resource for the individual or team responsible for leading engagement at their organization. This module walks you through how to:

  • Build a foundation for your plan

  • Develop an actionable plan for feedback

  • Iterate on your by responding to feedback and filling in gaps 

  • Practice using the tools and learning about needs and insights from participants

Module 4

Module 4: Making Sense of the Data (Optional)

In this module, you’ll learn how to interpret and make sense of the diverse feedback you’ve collected. This module is designed for folks with the time/resources to analyze and synthesize information.

This module walks you step-by-step through: 

  • Organizing the data as you collect

  • Transcribing initial insights to uncover findings and themes

  • Generating insights from the data

  • Sharing and seeking feedback on what you have learned

Additional Resources


In this section, you’ll learn helpful techniques and key considerations for engaging with community members and diverse audiences. As engagement experts, we should never assume what someone’s past experiences have been, that’s why it’s so important to use a trauma informed approach. 

With a diversity, equity and inclusion lens, and engaging with different audiences from a compassionate space, these resources include:

  • An overview of trauma-informed care principles and vicarious trauma

  • An introduction to historical trauma and how diversity, equity, and inclusion show up in our work

  • Additional learning resources to expand your practice, which will grow over time